Organisation of the Alliance

Children Are Unbeatable!

Children Are Unbeatable! is an alliance of over 600 UK-based organisations and many more individuals formally signed up to support our aims.


The Alliance in England has a co-ordinator, employed by registered charity APPROACH Ltd, whose activities are guided by a strategy group of representatives from key supporting organisations.

Linked campaigns

‘Sdim Curo Plant! Cymru/Children Are Unbeatable! Wales

The Sdim Curo Plant!/Children Are Unbeatable campaign is based at Children in Wales, a member of the UK-wide CAU! Alliance. It was launched in September 2000 to co-ordinate and promote the campaign in Wales. The aims of the campaign are:

  • to change the law so that children and young people have the same protection from being hit as adults
  • a public education campaign about why ‘smacking’ children is not OK to accompany law reform
  • for parents to have lots of information and practical advice and support about alternatives to ‘smacking’ and using a positive approach to bringing up children



CAU! Northern Ireland

Link: CAU! Northern Ireland


CAU! Scotland

Link: CAU! Scotland



Link: Under 18s

Global Initiative

The Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment was launched in Geneva in 2001. It aims to act as a catalyst to encourage more action and progress towards ending all corporal punishment in all continents; to encourage governments and other organisations to “own “ the issue and work actively on it; and to support national campaigns with relevant information and assistance. The context for all its work is implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It aims are supported by UNICEF, UNESCO, human rights institutions, and international and national NGOs.




Churches Network for Non-violence

The Churches’ Network for Non-violence, a UK-based international charity, was formed to broaden religious support for law reform to end corporal punishment of children and other cruel and humiliating forms of violence against children and to challenge faith-based justification for it. CNNV aims to work with others towards developing a network of support, practical resources and information and to encourage religious communities of all faiths to play an active role in the movement for reform.




Recent news

Report calls for prohibition in Scotland

Date: December 2015

A systematic review of research literature on physical punishment, jointly commissioned by Barnardo’s Scotland, Children 1st, the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland and NSPCC Scotland was published in November

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Corporal punishment to be banned in madrassas

Date: December 2015

On November 27 the Government published plans to prohibit corporal punishment in all part-time educational settings, including madrassas (see: consultation). The proposals also aim to prevent children being “radicalised” in madrassas...

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